Monday, 28 July 2008

Cuil - Search Engine

It seems to have been a long long while since any new search engine has actually surfaced on the web and made Google look anything different to Goliath (OK, I know that's a bad example because Goliath lost and Google just keeps winning :-)).

But look out for this new rising star:

Co-founded by ex-Google employees, Cuil has already crawled more pages than the Search Engine Giant itself! With a name from the Gaelic word for Knowledge, it looks like you may not be able to ignore this site for too long!

Among some of its really neat features are:
- two or three-column presentation of search results
- context-driven results with a drilldown feature which allows you to easily get to other pages in the same context by using an "Explore by category" link box located at the right-hand side of the screen (for instance, try typing "e-learning technologies")
- search tabs: in some cases search tabs will appear at the top(-ish) of the page with "sub-searches" (for instance, try searching for "insects" and you will get tabs relating to "Flying insects", "Beneficial insects", "Harmful insects" and many more)

Add to that an excellent FAQ, clear an meaningful explanations, cool web design, plus lots of things I probably missed, and you must be on to a winner!

This afternoon (by GMT+1 standards), they were already adding capacity, with their search page sporting the message:

We’ll be back soon...
Due to overwhelming interest, our Cuil servers are running a bit hot right now. The search engine is momentarily unavailable as we add more capacity.
Thanks for your patience.

It's a hit! =D

What do you think? Can Cuil unsettle Google on the search engine market?

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