Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Batch programming tip#15: Getting file information

This example speaks for itself I think. You can obviously also use it in FOR loops or subroutines. It show how to retrieve lots of useful information about files (in this exemple the first argument).


@echo off

if [%1]==[] goto what_file
if not exist %1 goto what_file
goto show_info

echo General information
echo -------------------
echo Fully qualified name (%%~f1): %~f1
echo Drive letter (%%~d1): %~d1
echo Path (%%~p1): %~p1
echo File name (%%~n1): %~n1
echo File extension (%%~x1): %~x1
echo Date time (%%~t1): %~t1
echo Size (%%~z1): %~z1
echo File attributes (%%~a1): %~a1
goto show_combinations

echo Some possible combinations
echo --------------------------
echo Drive and path (%%~dp1): %~dp1
echo Filename and extension (%%~nx1): %~nx1
echo Path using short names (%%~fs1) : %~fs1
goto eof

echo Please provide valid file.
goto eof

echo Press any key to quit
pause > NUL

Simply call it using something like:


@echo off
call info test_file_info.longext

These allow you to get: file size, date time, etc. Really useful stuff =D.

Have fun!

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