Beware that date /T is probably locale dependent. On my system the date is output in the following format 'day. dd/mm/yyyy' e.g. mon. 14/07/2008
@echo off
call :get_date / 0 1
echo Date: %_date%
goto eof
set delim=%~1
set order=%~2
set show_day=%~3
echo delim=%delim% and order=%order% and show_day=%show_day%
for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%d in ('date /T') do (
set day=%%d
set dd=%%e
set mm=%%f
set yyyy=%%g
set _date=%dd%%delim%%mm%%delim%%yyyy%
if "%order%"=="1" set _date=%mm%%delim%%dd%%delim%%yyyy%
if "%show_day%"=="1" set _date=%day% %_date%
goto blackhole
echo Press any key to quit...
pause > NUL
goto blackhole
The get_date subroutine has changed considerably.
First, we get three possible arguments: delimiter, order (either day/month or month/day) and show_day (whether or not to show the day: 'mon.' for instance). You retrieve the arguments in the same way as you would for batch command-line arguments (using %~1, etc.).
These arguments are appended to the call to the subroutine: call :get_date / 0 1.
Second, we split the date string into four parts day (mon.), dd (14), mm (07), yyyy (2008).
Finally, we build the %_date% variable while taking into account the various arguments. If %order% is set to 1 we reverse dd and mm order. If show_day is set to 1, we prefix the date with the day.
That's it.
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