Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Git overview

We've all heard of CVS, SVN... and now more flexible systems such as Git.

This a quick overview of the power of Git over SVN for instance.

There are several differences between our habitual CVS/SVN versioning systems and Git:
- SVN stores deltas between files that have changed in every commit; Git stores compressed "snapshots" of every commit
- SVN stores its data centrally; Git stores its data both centrally and locally.

These two main differences result in several advantages of Git:
- because everything is stored locally, you can work offline if the network is down
- because everything is stored locally and remotely, you can lose your central server and not lose anything
- because all snapshots are store locally, diffs are really quick, no need to have a working central server, nor to get the files across the network

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