Monday, 16 April 2012

Behind closed doors: secrets of great management

When I was young (about a year ago), I thought "The one minute manager" was a great read. I still believe it does have something to it - it makes for a quick read and is straight to the point.

But now that I am old (about a year later) and that I have read "Behind closed doors: secrets of great management" by Johanna Rothman and Esther Derby, I have just been ... well enlightened so to speak.

This book does take more than one minute to read but feels like it takes only about two, and is full of healthy material whatever your job description may say. From the bottom of the ladder right to the top, it is full of handy tips on how to coach, create team-spirit and take new team members on board. It is about creating leadership and making sure you tell the right people the right things at the right place and in the right way. Sound easy? Not so. Do you tell someone their behaviour is unacceptable even though they are a good worker? Yes. Ok, but when? In a one-on-one meeting. And HOW? Without getting emotionally involved, without pointing fingers ("you have done this...") - after all the person might not even be aware they have made mistakes in the past period, so avoid emotional cues and train people to learn to accept information without over-reacting. And what do you do when you take on a new team, that's just not really a team but a group of people working together or against each other? Behold the wonders team-meetings, prioritization, one-on-ones, coaching, rumour-killing, gelling, and much much more.

This book will definitely not fall off my bookshelf any time soon.


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