Friday, 15 August 2008

Google Keyczar - now available for Java 1.5

This is a quick update regarding a sidenote in yesterday's post:
... if you get a message like "incorrect class version, 50 should be 49" or something along those lines, it means you are not running the correct version of java (i.e. the KeyCzar classes were compiled with a later version).

Steve Weis, who originally developed keyCzar, very kindly confirmed this information this morning.

The class version error is indeed due to the fact that we're using Java 1.6. Unfortunately, that's not supported by some (all?) Mac users, so we're going to post a Java 1.5 Jar soon.

Well, for anyone interested the 1.5 Jar is already available at the KeyCzar website:

Have fun!

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