This was my effort at it.
File: - my.ini -
server= ; use IP address
The aim of the following batch is to retrieve the server IP address.
To do this we read all the lines of the ini file (that is each first "token" of every line, but because the property=value entities don't contain any default delimiters the first token will actually be the property=value pair on each line).
Then we try matching the beginning of the line with our property name.
If it matches, bingo, get the remaining string value and output it to ini/txt.
File: - ini_bat.bat -
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: this is our ini file path
set ini_file=my.ini
:: this is the key for which we want to retrieve a value
set key=server
:: this is the length of our key word (e.g. 'server')
set keylen=6
:: this is the index at which the equal sign should be
set /a eqsign=%keylen%+1
:: tmp dir name (should be empty)
set tmp_dir=tmp000
:: make temp dir
if not exist %tmp_dir% mkdir %tmp_dir%
goto get_key
set tmp_file=%tmp_dir%\tmp.txt
:: this read the first token of every line, shouldn't be spaces in the ini file properties
for /F %%L in (%ini_file%) do (
set line=%%L
set linestart=!line:~0,%keylen%!
if !linestart!==%key% (
set value=!line:~%eqsign%!
goto output_value
:: this will erase existing %tmp_dir%\new.ini and %tmp_dir%\new.txt files
echo Outputting value to ini file
echo server=%value% > %tmp_dir%\new.ini
echo Outputting value to text file
echo The value is: %value% > %tmp_dir%\new.txt
goto eof
echo Press any key to quit
pause > NUL
goto blackhole
And there you have it!
Some obvious improvements could be:
- setting the key dynamically (this also means computing the key length on the fly).
- including adequate behaviour if the property definitions include spaces
(e.g. server =
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