Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Google's favicon

Google's favicon needs a make-over! The favicon is the little icon that shows in the address bar and also your favourites, so it's important in getting people to identify company image.

I gather they have already explored an incredible number of possible icons and are now making a public request for more ideas. So, you can now submit your own home-grown Google favicon by following the link: http://www.google.com/faviconideas/

Of course, I couldn't resist building my own 16 x 16 proposal!

Simple version:

This actually looks less than 16 by 16px because there's a transparent background border on the left side of the pic.

Full version:

This looks square because... it is.

I hope to be submitting these in the near future, as soon as I get my head around their terms of service.

EDIT [June 11, 2008] - Done.

Thoughts, advice, opinions?

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