Monday 23 April 2012

Git hashes

Git identifies all its objects with a SHA-1 (40 byte) hash identifier.
This way git uniquely identifies :
- blobs (files)
- trees (groups of files and/or other trees)
- commits (a single tree)
among others.

If you type:
you will be able to see every single commit, their hashes, as well as all the files of each commit and their hashes
You can use commands such as:
git log 540991f 
to view blob content,
git ls-tree
to view tree information,
git show
for information about commits,

And so on and so forth.

Note the git is constructed around the concept that most hashes are very different and that the beginning of the hash is sufficient to identify the complete hash. That's what I did above in the git log command: used the shortened hash, which actually identifies a single blob in my system.

Use git help for more information on command options.


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