Sunday, 7 March 2010

The one-minute read

When I saw the title of this book, I simply couldn't resist giving it a peak.

I would say it is was worth the 5-10$ it cost and made for a quick, relatively entertaining read.
The book covers three basic principles to manage anything, from your family, to your work, to your life in general:
  1. keep a list of understandable self-contained goals (one-minute objectives)
  2. remember to praise yourself and others when things go right (one-minute praises)
  3. remember to reprimand yourself and others when things go wrong (one-minute reprimands) BUT, never leave it at that: make sure to remind yourself of what actually *did* go right and that "to err is human, to forgive divine" (thanks Maggie Smith :D)
So... this is where I start rambling on about traveling the US, making it to Canada, Scotland, Ireland and many places more... go girl!! :-)


Monday, 1 March 2010

Google AdWords

Well, hey presto that's done. Got an advert via the post and have decided to try out Google adWords to see how things pan out - for better for worse.
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