Friday, 11 December 2009

Accessing the symfony development environment

No later than this morning was I trying to use my symfony dev environment from a different PC on the network, and came across the following error:

You are not allowed to access this file. Check xxxxx_dev.php for more information.

Well, to every simple problem it seems there is a simple solution :).

Just open xxxxx_dev.php and add the relevant IP address to the array as follows:

if (!in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '', '::1')))
die('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');

Obviously you probably wouldn't want to do this on a public server but it's neat for LAN use all the same and I am just literally more and more impressed with all the inbuilt mechanisms that symfony has to offer!


Saturday, 5 December 2009

JTable in JScrollPane showing default column names

Well, back to the basics of Java...

Just in case anybody (that's including me ;-)) gets this problem (again) here is the solution.

Basic scenario: building a JTable with a non default model class extending AbstractTableModel as follows. I have omitted necessary includes and actually removed method bodies for simplification purposes.

Spot the error...

public class SyncOperationTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
// attributes

public SyncOperationTableModel(ArrayList syncOperations)
// initialize attributes

public int getRowCount()
// return the row count based on attributes (for instance)

public int getColumnCount()
// return column count base on attributes (for instance)

public String getColumName(int column)
// return column name

public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
// return the value,
// by default setValueAt is not necessary
// (AbstractTableModel returns false to isCellEditable method)


Symptom? The column names (getColumName(int column)) never get returned and are replaced with default names: A, B, C... At first sight this is strange, since I purposefully add the table to a JScrollPane (which should handle the table header automatically).

Solution? In the above code the getColumnName(int column) does not get called simply because I have created a new method named getColumName (i.e. with a missing 'n' to the 'column' part of the name). Stu-pid!

New method:

public String getColumnName(int column)
// code

Reaaaaally hopeless... no wonder this was impossible to find despite GIYF. Now getting on to cell rendering - it's been a while... other silly mistakes ahead I am sure.

More news soon.

Thoughts in the meantime?
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